
Creating an online one-stop advice and information hub

by The children and young people’s diabetes service and the communications unit, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The aim of this project was to bypass the overwhelming wealth of diabetes information on the internet and create a central ‘hub’ of online expert information and advice to support young people with diabetes. The team built the website based on feedback from parents and carers of young patients to determine what was missing from existing sources. The site has information on living with diabetes, managing diabetes and dealing with illness. Feedback from parents and carers of children and young people has been overwhelmingly positive.

Judges comment:

“We really like the idea of distilling lots of information into one place. People underestimate how hard it can be for parents who have children with diabetes, the impact is massive and an extremely user-friendly website like this is very helpful.  One of the judges has even started using the information with some of the patients at their practice!”



Delivery of a physical consultation service for adults with diabetes

by NHS Grampian

This initiative explored the feasibility and effectiveness of a physical activity consultation intervention for adults with diabetes within NHS Grampian when delivered as part of routine diabetes care. Participants received a 30-minute face-to-face consultation at initiation, six and 12 months along with other support. A significant increase in the number of participants achieving physical activity recommendations was observed from baseline to six months, and maintained at 12 months follow-up. Additional funding has been sourced from the Scottish Diabetes Group to extend and roll-out the pilot for two years.

Judges comment:

“We would love to have this sort of programme available everywhere. There are very few services that offer what this project does.”

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Open for Entry:
Thursday 18 April 2024

Entry Deadline:
Friday 5 July 2024

Judging Day:
Tuesday 20 September 2024

Awards Ceremony:
Thursday 31 October 2024