Have you or your community, primary or secondary care team, GP multidisciplinary team (MDT) made significant positive changes to services with demonstrable results of improved quality and delivery of effective integrated services?

This category recognises innovative patient care pathway initiatives in response to patient needs and goals with demonstrable results of improved quality and delivery of effective integrated services that are based in the community and/or in hospital.

Judging CriteriaMaximum score availableNo of words per criteria
Summary: Provide background & brief overview of the initiative.5100
Innovation: Demonstrate evidence of innovation: what is new and different about your initiative, e.g. novel approaches, creative solutions to longstanding problems, bridging gaps in care etc.15150
Key Aims and methods of the initiative:
  • Describe the identified need for the initiative.
  • Organisation, stakeholders, planned time frames and milestones. Evidence of clear, specific goals and outcome measures including reasoning behind these. How did you put your plans into action?
  • Describe how the initiative was implemented and outline the procedures and tools you used to measure outcomes
Safety considerations: Risk assessment, clinical governance, ethics and any other safety considerations and how these were successfully addressed.15150
Effectiveness: Demonstrate the initiative’s effectiveness to illustrate efficiency improvement(s), how the initiative brought about change to support improved outcomes and what was the impact for people with skin conditions.10150
Cost efficiency and economic viability: Evidence of, and maximising quality health outcomes and minimising NHS costs, getting better value from the NHS budget.10100
Sustainability and evidence for sharing practice and dissemination: Describe how the project has been/will be disseminated.15150
User feedback: Evidence of support from a range of interested stakeholders, e.g. healthcare professionals and/or service users. Please include statements. Describe how feedback was collected and bias was minimised. Provide examples of service user feedback and explain how this is used. This can be supplied via recordings (sound only or video).10Max 150
Unless supplied by recording

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Open for Entry:
February 2024

Entry Deadline:
26 April 2024

Judging Day:
20 June 2024

Awards Ceremony:
5 September 2024