
A systematic approach to management of diabetes in primary care

by Diabetes Modernisation Initiative

The overall aims of the scheme were to improve collaborative care between clinical staff and patients, systems and processes of care and biological outcomes for people living with diabetes by reducing variation between practices and improving the performance of all practices. Practical tools and guidelines supported the scheme. Over the last two years, during a period of unprecedented change in the NHS, care for people with diabetes in Lambeth and Southwark improved significantly.

Judges comment:

“We loved that this initiative was based on common sense. It’s providing practical, down to earth tools at a relatively low cost and would be very easy to replicate in other areas of the country.”


Highly commended

Establishment of an effective diabetes stakeholder network in Berkshire

by Federated CCGs of Berkshire West 

The Berkshire West diabetes stakeholder network was formed in 2012 with the task of coordinating service redesign in the four CCGs of Berkshire West. A period of consultation ensued, involving the engagement of an external consultant for several months and the appointment of a local diabetes champion to lead the process. The stakeholder network was formed with representation from primary and secondary care. A range of services has been commissioned including a website for patients, carers and HCPs and a monthly newsletter.

Judges comment:

“This is a great example of a simple but very meaningful project. It’s still early days in terms of the results, but the Berkshire West diabetes stakeholder network has developed a really good, replicable approach to the problem of helping people with diabetes in West Berkshire to live healthier lives by improving outcomes and reducing complications.”



Outreach Insulin Pump Team, North East Thames Paediatric Diabetes Network

by Barts Health NHS Trust

The Outreach Insulin Pump Team is a hub and bespoke service designed to increase access to insulin pump therapy. It was launched in September 2012 when there were 850 to 900 children or young people with type 1 diabetes in the network, but just 73 on pump therapy. Charity funding enabled the appointment of a paediatric DSN, a dietitian and a clinical psychologist to the outreach pump team to support local teams through pump starts. The team has started 49 children or young people on insulin pump therapy, helping to reduce HbA1c by an average of 0.37%.

Judges comment:

“This was a great, innovative initiative and the Outreach Insulin Pump Team should be commended for the much needed service they are providing to paediatric diabetes teams.”



The Diabetes Wellbeing Service: ‘A Space to Think’

by The Hillingdon Hospital, Central & North West London NHS Trust

The Diabetes Wellbeing Service was established in recognition that people with poorly controlled type 1 and type 2 diabetes may benefit from the input of a clinical psychologist, in order to explore the ‘non-medical’ challenges of managing diabetes.  The service included patient sessions with a psychologist, and upskilling and education of HCPs. At the time of entry 55 patients had been seen by a clinical psychologist and achieved an average reduction in HbA1c of 12 mmols/mol.

Judges comment:

“The Diabetes Wellbeing Service has addressed an issue in providing a vital service for patients with diabetes in an area that is so often ignored.”

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Open for Entry:
Thursday 18 April 2024

Entry Deadline:
Friday 5 July 2024

Judging Day:
Tuesday 20 September 2024

Awards Ceremony:
Thursday 31 October 2024